IDL Code of Conduct

The International Dramaturgy Lab is a platform whose purpose is to facilitate discourse about professional dramaturgical practice. The IDL is actively committed to inclusivity, diversity and antiracist practice. The IDL will provide space for new viewpoints and experiences, maintaining a respectful, safe and inclusive atmosphere.

No participants should make assumptions of or question someone's background, gender or experiences. Everyone has the right to share what they feel is necessary and meaningful about their professional practice.

Every participant on the platform is treated equally and respectfully. Discrimination or any other kind of harassment, sexual or otherwise, is strictly forbidden. We do not accept discriminatory, subordinating, repressive or offensive terminology.

What is discrimination?

A simple definition of discrimination is that a person is treated unfavourably, or someone's character is defamed in a way that is connected to at least one of the following grounds:

  • gender
  • transgender identity or non-normative gender expression
  • cultural or ethnic background
  • religion or other conviction
  • functional ability
  • sexual orientation
  • age
  • nationality
  • origin
  • language
  • appearance

Discrimination can be direct or indirect. Inadequate accessibility, harassment (sexual or otherwise) and instigation of discriminatory practices are also types of discrimination.

What is harassment/sexual harassment?

Each participant on this platform reserves the right to not be sexually harassed while they're working, regardless of whether the harasser is a facilitator, employer, colleague, guest or other content producer.

Harassment can be holding someone up to ridicule, or demeaning generalisations that are connected to grounds of discrimination. Harassment can also be sexual by nature. In addition to comments and words, this can include unwanted touching, meaningful glances, groping, jokes, suggestions and sexual images. It can include sexually toned language. It can also include unwanted compliments, invitations or innuendos. Sexual harassment differs from normal flirting in that the former is unwanted. The target of harassment determines whether or not the behaviour is offensive and defamatory.

If you notice a problem

If there is a problem/something we should know about, please contact The International Dramaturgy Lab’s steering group. We will do our best to help you. You can also give us feedback anonymously via this link:

Art and responsibility

The International Dramaturgy Lab’s steering committee is responsible for the event as a whole, but every participant is responsible for their own work and conduct. This means that each participant has familiarized themselves with the ethical guidelines below and agrees to adhere by those guidelines for the duration of the participant’s involvement on this platform. In conflict situations, The International Dramaturgy Lab’s steering committee reserves the right to intervene.

The International Dramaturgy Lab’s steering committee therefore urges each participant to take responsibility for their words and actions while communicating with other participants.

Ethical guidelines:

In accordance with responsible ways of communicating;

  • I know it is good to acknowledge my own privileges.
  • I acknowledge that my fellow participants reserve the right to express their difference of opinion.
  • I acknowledge that language is subjectively influenced, and this might occasionally lead toward misunderstanding.
  • I acknowledge my own subjective bias when communicating with other participants.
  • I will seek to interact with other participants respectfully despite our differences of opinion.

In accordance with the aesthetic of art for art’s sake:

  • I acknowledge that during the process of exploring my practice I reserve the right to fail.
  • I welcome my fellow participants to exercise their right to artistically disagree on things, criticize structures and working methods, and when this occurs, I will treat my fellow participants with the respect they deserve as an artist.
  • I acknowledge that it is good at times to take a small break and just breathe.
  • I acknowledge that at times I need support from my fellow participants to make sense of things.
  • I acknowledge that at times “sorry, I acted offensively, I will think on it and do better next time” is a good start.

I acknowledge that I have read the code of conduct of the platform and by applying to the International Dramaturgy Lab I agree to adhere to these ethical guidelines.


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