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This is a time that calls for building collaborative action! Please mark your calendars for LMDA's first bi-national conference at the border of San Diego, California, and Tijuana, Mexico. This year’s conference offers a unique opportunity for theater scholars, artists, and practitioners from across North America to explore the role of dramaturgy and creative infrastructure in theater arts

Whether you are new to the field and want a place to learn and build community or you are already established and are seeking a forum for instituting change or simply long to reconnect with colleagues, this is your opportunity. We hope you will join us for what promises to be an enlightening, entertaining, and engaging event!

More Information

Explore LMDA

Who We Are

Founded in NYC in 1985, LMDA now serves 500 members in the U.S, Mexico, Canada, and the UK. Join us today!

Annual Conference

Our 2024 conference will be both online and in-person. Details available now!

Employment Tools for Members

Explore sample contracts, employment guidelines, negotiation strategies, job postings, and other resources.

Grants and Awards

In 2020, LMDA awarded over $15,000 to Members.

LMDA Review

We publish the only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to dramaturgy theory and practice.

LMDA Canada

Get information about our Canadian caucus.

LMDA México

LMDA México (MX) representa a los miembros LMDA en México.

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