November 10 Deadline for The Field Grant
Version en EspanolWhat was previously known as the Dramaturgy Driven Grant has grown into the new Field Grant. This grant is intended to support dramaturg-led projects towards an expansion of the field in geographic space throughout the Americas. This grant’s purpose and goal is to further the applicant’s intentions to promote dramaturgical activity particularly in México and/or Latin America, in indigenous spaces throughout the Americas, in rural areas, and in underserved communities. The applicant may propose partnership with an organization of their choice or may produce independently. The Field Grant is available for all LMDA members regardless of age, education, social location, experience, background, and career goals (if membership cost is a barrier, please reach out to the LMDA President at is no application fee. Proposals will be accepted from October 1, 2021, 12:00 AM through November 10, 2021, 11:59 PM PST. All applicants will be notified of the panel’s decision, and the recipient will be notified by December 15, 2021. Feedback may be provided on your application, regardless of the outcome!Grant Amount: $1,000 to support your time and expensesProposal Prompts:What do you want to do and why (up to 200 words)?How does this progress the dramaturgical field (up to 200 words)?How do you plan to do it? Describe the time frame for your project, from beginning to the end (up to 200 words). Please illustrate the budget. How is this project associated with Latin America, Indigenous spaces, rural areas, or underserved communities (up to 200 words)?What are the intended outcomes? How may you determine success (up to 200 words)?If you are to partner with another artist or organization, please attach a signed Letter of Intent from them to demonstrate how they’ll support you (one page).Application GuidelinesIf you self-identify as a dramaturg, you are a dramaturg. If you come from a culture that does not view dramaturgy as separate from other parts of the creative process, or does not have a word for dramaturgy, feel free to contact us at to have a conversation about how you and everyone around you commits acts of dramaturgy. Only one application per person.Although we welcome applicants from anywhere in the world, currently we can only process an application in English or Spanish. If you know another language, we are growing towards a system in which we can accept applications not in English or Spanish, and we look forward to your application in the future.You have up to 200 words to answer each question. There will be equal consideration for what you write alongside how it is written, so feel free to be yourself. Within the previously stated boundaries, say as much or as little as you need to be clear.At this time, we do not have the capability to review secondary materials such as videos or slideshows. Although their inclusion will not disqualify an application, they will not be reviewed. No letters of reference are needed, nor will they be read if sent.Send your application in PDF format to, with your contact information inside. Please name the file “surname_firstname”.Your proposal must be for the project to take place between February 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023. However, if your partnership begins slightly before or after those dates, we can accommodate.We request to see a page long report at the midpoint of your project’s development to see how it’s progressing, as well as a completion report at the end.Feel free to peruse the criteria for strong applications that our panelists evaluate by: you have any further questions, feel free to contact Roxanne Ray, VP of Grants and Awards, at awards@lmda.orgIf you don't receive an acknowledgement of your application within 7 days, please contact look forward to your application!To include in your PDF file:APPLICANT INFORMATIONName of Applicant: ___________Phone: ______________Email: __________________LMDA Member Status: __________________IF DOING A PARTNERSHIPName of Organization or Artist: ___________Mailing Address:__________________________Phone: ______________Web Site: _______________Contact & Title ______________________________Contact Phone: ___________Email: ____________________
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