Twitter Project: Zita Nyarady
Bio: Zita Nyarady is a Canadian dance, theatre and circus artist. She is also a PhD candidate in Theatre & Performance studies at York University. She has worked in projects with Anandam Dance Theatre, Pilobolus Dance Theatre, Nightwood Theatre, Alumnea Theatre, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre and Theatre Passe Muraille. Upcoming for Zita is a new micro play, Philip and Lucinda, at the Toronto Festival of Clowns, a Canadian fringe festival tour of new work by Natalie Frijia and continued exploration of circus dramaturgy.
Focus for the week: I'm working as the dramaturg for a social circus project called Talk to youth Lately (TTYL) based in Toronto Ontario. TTYL works with youth who have lived experience of mental health. The youth learn circus arts and then create circus acts to tell their stories of mental health through what the group calls "circus metaphors". This week (march 19/20) the troupe is debuting their new show. My info about the troupe and the show can be found at I will be tweeting about this process.
Questions from LMDA
What is your definition of dramaturgy?: As an emerging dramaturg who is exploring dramaturgy through theatre, dance and circus arts I am coninuing to develop my definition of dramaturgy. Overall I see dramaturgy as the art of finding connections.
What is your dream project?: There are so many dream projects!!! All involve the continued exploration of movement based dramaturgy.
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