Call for Readers! (Playwrights Foundation)

Playwrights Foundation (PF), a center for new play development in San Francisco, is seeking diverse and discerning individuals to join the National Readers Circle for the 39th Annual Bay Area Playwrights Festival (BAPF). PF is part of an extensive creative community nationwide, and has a strong presence in the Bay Area theater scene. The BAPF is a yearly summer festival of the country’s most compelling, competitive, and diverse new plays in development.

The National Readers Circle for PF will contain around 75 theater artists and literary managers collectively evaluating and ranking a total of around 500 competitive script submissions. All work will be done remotely, with each selected reader asked to evaluate approximately 5 plays per month, from October to January.

All members of the Nation Readers Circle are volunteers. Theater Artists of all disciplines and backgrounds are encouraged to apply; anyone interested to put their finger on the pulse of new play development and contribute their critical literary perspective.

To apply, please send a brief cover letter and resume to Logan Ellis at

For more information, visit our website at

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