Meet the New Executive Committee
Every two years, LMDA Members vote on an Executive Committee to support the Incoming President. These positions also sit on the larger LMDA Board which handles overall strategy and budget decisions for the organization. They are called Vice Presidents of [insert their specialty here].
Most of our Executive Committee Members (our VPs) began their volunteer journey with LMDA as Committee Members working with a VP.
Check out the new VPs below and reach out if you are interested in volunteering or have a question/idea about their purview of LMDA.
Executive Committee
President: Sara Freeman
Executive Director: Lindsey R. Barr
Treasurer: Position vacant
VP Advocacy and Anti-Oppression: Kodie Rollan and Emma Bilderback
VP Canada: Stephen Drover
VP Mexico: Lourdes Guzmán González
VP Membership: Heather Helinsky
VP Communications: Suzi Elnaggar
VP Freelance: Yasmin Zacaria Mikhaiel
VP Grants & Awards: Alexandra Juckno
VP Institutions: Jess Ellison
VP Publications: Allison Backus
VP Programs and Regional Activity: Liana Irvine
VP University Relations: Karen Jean Martinson and Dan Smith
Past President: Lynde Rosario
Board of Directors
Co-Chair: Anne G. Morgan
Co-Chair: Jenna K. Rodgers
Ken Cerniglia
Michael Chemers
David Geary
Vicki Stroich
Arminda Thomas
Ariane van Buren
Gavin Witt