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LMDA Bulletin

Our monthly Bulletin drops into Member in-boxes on the last week of every month with coverage of both LMDA activities and membership as well as outside professional activities. The deadline for content submission for our Editors is the third Monday of every month (February 20, March 20, April 17, May 22, etc).

In addition to featuring upcoming LMDA events, it includes:

  • Job postings
  • Funding opportunities
  • Member News
  • Member Publications
  • Articles and Essays
  • Partner Organization Updates
  • Membership Benefit Updates
  • And More!

Subscribe to the LMDA Bulletin

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Share Your Brilliance with Us!

  • We take article pitches from all Members. Send any submissions to Articles are welcome in many forms, including, but not limited to, essays, interviews, and case studies. Articles range from 250-1,000 words. Article topics should focus on a project which is of general interest, for example, conversations about compensation or new online resources. If you would like to pitch an article for an upcoming issue, send an email. We will reply to your pitch within six weeks.
  • Member News: In most cases, we will publish a Member News blurb for your project only once; even if multiple members are involved. You should only submit your own project. Submit Member News here.
  • Photos: If you have a photo from an artistic project that you are working on, consider submitting it for our monthly Member Photo Highlight. Submit it here for review by our Photo Editor.
  • Member Book Corner: A short paragraph about your current or upcoming publication for our ongoing member feature, Book Corner.
  • LMDA Groups and Activities News: If an LMDA Member, Leader, or Group is organizing an LMDA activity, email us to have the activity included in the monthly Bulletin. Submit LMDA Groups and Activities News here.
  • If you wish to submit a job or opportunity posting, please use our job posting site.

Contact Us

  • Staff:
    • Bulletin Editor, Copyeditor: Connie Winston
    • Bulletin Editor, Member News: Maren Flessen
    • Bulletin Editor, Articles: Jordan Flores Schwartz
    • Bulletin Editor, Articles: Aycan Akçamete
    • Bulletin Editor, Member Book Corner: Open
    • Bulletin Editor, Photos & Graphics: Open
    • Bulletin Co-Editor, and Editor, LMDA Groups and Activities News: Ally Varitek
    • Bulletin Editor, General: Suzi Elnaggar
    • Social Media Coordinator and Graphic Designer: Tess Berger
    • Social Media Coordinator, Special Projects: Open
    • Podcast and Social Media Coordinator: Open
    • Videos and Social Media Coordinator: Yejia Sun
    • Assc. VP of Communications; Social Media and Brand Manager: Open
  • Communications VP and Bulletin, General Editor: Suzi Elnaggar
  • For any other questions, email:

Bulletin Archives




Looking for issues from before the LMDA Bulletin? View past Issues of the Newsletter from 2016-2020.

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