Review: The Journal of Dramaturgy

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History and Archive

Review is the journal of dramaturgy published annually by Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas. The mission of the journal is to provide a venue for exploration of dramaturgy, and for ongoing conversation about the work of the dramaturg and the literary manager and their relationship to all stages of theatre-making. Review welcomes submissions by all writers regardless of professional affiliation, as well as submissions on topics at some remove from the primary mission. Inquiries to the editor are encouraged in advance of all submissions.

What is now Review: The Journal of Dramaturgy was for many years the LMDA Review and before that, for three early issues, Program Notes, and initially, simply, Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas: Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1986. Over the years, the Review has included essays, interviews, conference announcements and reports, interviews, transcripts of speeches, and organizational business (elections, bylaws, initiatives, awards, and so forth). On some occasions, multiple issues appeared in a single year; in others, none at all. In 1996 and 1997, volume 8.1 appears twice, an error in numbering that suggest to some extent the precarious history of its existence. Nevertheless, between 1986 and the present, a remarkable series of editors, associate editors, and authors with the assistance of several dedicated LMDA administrators published over fifty issues of the Review. They offer an album of snapshots not only of the ongoing life of an organization committed to cultivating, developing, and promoting the fields of dramaturgy and literary management but also into the field itself.

This record of dramaturgical history in the Americas is housed at the University of Puget Sound’s Archives and Special Collections (Adriana Flores, archivist). Special thanks to Puget Sound Associate Library Director and Theatre Liaison librarian Lori Ricigliano for bringing the Review online. 

Our entire archive of past Review issues can be found on the University of Puget Sound's website here.


  • Allison Backus, Merrimack Repertory Theatre
  • Sarah Johnson, PhD, Indiana University Bloomington

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