Discovering acts of dramaturgy in any discipline
As dramaturgs, we all know what we do, and we also know that not everyone else does! But when we point out acts of dramaturgy in spaces other than the theatre space, we have the chance to help lift up not only one another, but the discipline of dramaturgy itself. Advocating for anyone committing acts of dramaturgy in a variety of settings can help us to see dramaturgs more often and recognize dramaturgy.
How can you participate?
Spy unconventional acts of dramaturgy in your own work: This is not to highlight specific events or projects, necessarily, but ways that you might be using your dramaturgical skills/training in a job that isn’t directly theatrical.
Spy unconventional acts of dramaturgy in the work of others: See a great lobby display at your local library? Read through a sports game program with great extra information? Snap a pic for IG, post it on FB, or share a tweet and #ispydramaturgy!
Check out posts on our Facebook page and Instagram (@LMDAmericas).